September 3, 2007

Talk 'bout da good times!

Life’s going good I always say and a lot of my friends wonder why…
There’s just so much pain and anguish in my life at times that they just can’t help questioning me why I still smile and say “Things aren't as bad as they seem to be!”
Well the answer is simple I say; sometimes you HAVE to go through adversity and brave the odds without complaining. Sometimes its best you walk the narrow thorny path rather than sit down and weep over your freshly wounded feet.

You NEED to go through hard times just so that you can realize how gifted you are when you go through the good times again. If life were just a bed of roses we’d all eventually start taking it for granted wouldn’t we?

A few really painful thorns in your way today, and tomorrow when you cross a rosey bed you KNOW you’re having a great day!

—Abd elAzeez

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