October 30, 2007

Make it in!

"You are the very best" she said to him,
The boy, he only smiled and restated anew
"I don’t know if that adjective suits or not,
But I really love hearing all that from you

It makes me feel like king of the world
Though all my elaborate plans are yet to unfurl
My eyes, my mind, and thoughts they have you
Yes my dear, I love being able to love you"

She said "I wish you won’t leave me ever,
For a prettier face or a love that’s fairer"
"YOU are my world" the boy, said he
"And how could I ever think of betraying thee?"

"My boy’s the best" she continued yet again,
"And I couldn’t ever live peacefully to see him in any pain".
"Troubles and misfortune they come and go", replied the boy
"But if the LORD wills, united we’ll overcome any devilish ploy"

She said "You are the right one I’d always been waiting for
And how I wish that we’d have met before,
All these years when people tried courting me
Oh how I’d have loved to have been courted by thee"
"My love", the boy said with his teary eye
"How I wish that back in time we could fly
And probably save us both the trouble
Of living without each other, these decades double"
"We’re both a little older than that!" the girl she jokingly exclaimed
"You’re smart" he said, "but wouldn’t you believe if I claimed
Myself as a happy kid when I’m in the company of thee
Coz at these times I’m much younger than I ever could be"

Her pretty black eyes seemed to well with tears
As she re-iterated her own restless fears
"What if we can’t be together forever?
What if we aren’t made for each other?
I’d surely be forlorn if you were to go away
And would it not hurt to look back at this on another day?"
"My dear don’t you worry" the boy consoled her
"If the LORD wills our love will win all over"

Years later when they looked back at that bygone eve
All those years of love together they could relive
And later even when the people laid them both down to rest
The couple were content the LORD had blessed their lives with the best
Working towards the heavens they had always believed in
And their desire to take each other there had helped them both make it in!

—Abd elAzeez
[Current Thought: Isn’t true love about caring for one’s life in the hereafter as well?]
[Another Current Thought: Well, everything happens of course only if the LORD wills! :-) ]

October 26, 2007

Unfinished! (Or not quite so?)

This song is for anyone a little capable, a little insecure
A wicked little lineup to bring you all up to the fore
Crying out loud, but tis ain't a new anthem
Rhyme rhyme rhyme into the new millennium!

Bang bang shoots out the wicked gun
Killing another teary-eyed mother’s beloved son
These chains of anger, ignorance and bliss
Millions have perished and billions more to follow this

Bam! Out comes the impious tank, rolling rolling rolling on the river bank
Ha! Huh! Ha! The mixed sentiments rang
Oh crap! They’re back at us again!
Run! Shouted the commander,
Soldiers, half-bare, in their broken armor

Deafening screams, their pathetic cries,
The young, blue, wide and dreamy eyes
Shattered dreams, dead expectations
And whatever happened to those promised nations?

—Abd elAzeez
[Current Thought: There, listen 2 ma poetry!]

October 17, 2007

Two blocks down the road...

There is something called as writer’s block which —as a growing up kid— I thought to be a situation in which writers usually block the door so that no one can to disturb them while they are happily writing away — in their very merry writers’ land! Now—as a grown-up kid—I’ve been taught that it means a time when a writer faces a mental block!

This still appeals to me as an apt definition because I can now think of it as a time when the mind blocks the writer out so badly, that the poor guy cannot enter into his merry writers’ land and get some happy writing done!

Given a chance to re-define the word I’d like to call it a place or a block (on a street) where all writers live! (ahemm…) Fathom this address: 1011 Writers’ Block, Al-Kitab Street, Madinah. Hmm… maybe if we become a lil more famous writing this little pretext of a blog, we could think of calling the shots around the Queen’s language!

—Abd elAzeez
[Current Thought: Hmm, wonder what it will do the real-estate business though]

October 5, 2007

An Inspiring True Story! | a.k.a. Of brick(ed)bats!

It happened once again… for the Nth time in about a year now, I managed to brick my gorgeous w750i phone (for the uninitiated, Bricked = Rendered completely useless whilst trying to modify the firmware)..!!

I figured that the phone wouldn’t start after my latest modifications and heaved a heavy sigh of despair (now that’s a new term for you all… :-). As it has always the shock this time was devastating as well! Now before this starts look too technical and most readers lose interest in the post right here (leave alone the inclination to comment on the blog), let’s get down to the main topic for this piece of written material. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is about patience and perseverance...

I’ve realized —in the numerous times that I have been through the ordeal of having converted my dearest (modified) k750i into a mere paper-weight— that there is always a learning experience behind every failure. I still remember the many beats my heart almost-skipped the first time I had bricked the phone trying to change the sound quality, the worry that engulfed me throughout the night thinking of how I had voided the warranty by modifying the firmware and how I’d now have to pay for getting all the mess fixed; all that coupled with a sense of failure and dejection which told me that maybe I wasn’t so smart and geeky after all… and not to mention the enormous amount of research on the internet that I had to do trying to figure out what exactly goes on in the firmware that causes it to fail in such a beyond-repair-ish manner (BTW I still haven’t figured that one out completely, and yet I continue to live on and on, marveling at the amazing things that I’ve done with my phone… and the enormous possibilities that lie ahead, if only I’d be ‘brave enough’). I still remember the time when I fixed the phone after that very first failure, within 1 day, and on my own! I was exhilarated beyond words! And I had learnt that there are more than one ways to get things done from electronic devices! It was then when I got my first first-hand lesson in using failure as a stepping stone to success! (And it also strengthened my belief that sincere prayers ARE answered :-)

Yesterday brought by another evening of tribulation as my dearest phone refused to let me in… Being the ardent phone-addict that I am, it WAS indeed a test for me to be deprived of my little thingamabob. Was trying to fix it using my PC at office and it simply wouldn’t budge! Thought I’d do the software repairs from home but couldn’t leave office coz it was just 5:30PM; there was work to finish and the obligatory evening and night prayers to offer before I could reach my humble dwelling place… And so I reached home after a torment-filled period of 4 hours, only to find that there had been an electricity failure in the area since morning! So there I was, holding my precious gizmo (yes, sure there might be better cell phone models out there, but this one has a charm of its own which I guess is far from over for me) just hoping the lights would come back. Had switched my simcard into an older Nokia handset which I keep at home for emergencies (a.k.a. times like these :-) and could use that one to receive/make calls, but how I wished my w750i would work! (yes, it’s called w750i because it is now a cross between the k750i and the w800i). No lights until about 11:30PM when I had retired to bed and almost reached the gates of slumberland… 11:35PM and the lights came back! I jumped out of the covers and into the computer room (mind you, do not think ‘Eureka!’)... Used many of my super-powers (:D) coupled with all the thinking that I had been doing for about 6 hours now, to get the thing fixed. And Hallelujah, it all worked! The truly amazing w750i turned ON! Could even use the phone to get onto the GPRS, read my email, scrap people on Orkut, play music, click a few pictures and do all the usual hullabaloo that my phone is all about… My phone’s working fine now, and I’ve figured out that a file named EPIUSB.SYS was missing from my PC at office, and that caused most of the data corruption… (“what the heck is that file?” one would say… and that is exactly what I would have said too before I had known the trouble it puts people like me into). Bottom line, I’ve learnt something new last evening, and that is sometimes things are supposed to trouble you for a certain period of time, you’re supposed to wait it out patiently thinking of possible solutions, pray well, think of alternate ways and work-arounds, and when the time is right things are back on track just as they’ve always been supposed to be…

—Abd elAzeez
[Current Thought: What super powers?]
[Not-so current thought: A title starting-off like that is a sure way to get a lot of views!? :-) ]

October 1, 2007

Testing... Three... Two... One!

Stuck between the Devil and the Dead Sea I’d only take the swim;
simply because that Evil dude’s not a companion that I chase

Had I to choose between the Rock and the Hard Place, I’d pick the rock,
and try to devise it into a stepping stone for a better place.

There could be many times when you’re faced with complicatedlooking choices in life, but the essential thing to remember is that most of them would not appear as tricky if only you’d just look at them from a different perspective… We (the humble beings that we are) are so used to looking at things from a specific angle, (or should I say we are taught so by our system) that many a time we fail to see the hidden good in most trying situations.

I happened to read a very beautiful email forwarded by someone a couple of days ago; it was titled ‘That’s Allah!’ The entire content of the email was excellent but the one line that that caught my attention the most was Have you ever been in a situation with no clue how it is going to get better, but now you look back on it? That’s Allah! HE passes us through tribulation to see a brighter day! [please overlook the mistakes in quoting the line from memory]

That line just helped reinforce my beliefs that everything that we go through is but a test. Some tests are easy and others not quite so… but what matters in the end is how well you stood your ground with faith in all of them. And trust me; the rewards for passing with flying colors are really really good in this case… :-)

Abd elAzeez
[Current Thought: The countdown in the title… does it seem so apt?]

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