September 23, 2007

And it's been a while...

The fact that this place hasn't been updated for quite sometime might seem like too much of a hiatus to all you ardent readers out there. (Well NO, the author is still alive... although not 'kicking' if you were to consider the literal sense of that term :D)

BTW a few days ago I was actually thinking of what would become of this blog in case I happen to 'move on to a better place', and the answer that came out after some amount of self-
deliberation was simple: 'It would be the same thing that would become of all the other stuff that was a part of this life of mine'.

You see, when the 'time is up' for people in this world, everything that was part of this life no longer binds or matters, and the only things that matter are those that have been 'sent forward' by them (if you know what I mean...); and hence I've started concentrating more on the preparations these days. And that's because I believe the smartest of people are those who begin preparing for the afterlife as early as possible... [NO, my doctor hasn't perused through my health checkup reports while telling me that supposedly ill-fated Bollywood movie line that most 'Bolly-docs' are supposed to tell the protagonist, if that's what you're thinking having read this far :)]

Yes I've been busy for some days now and the fact that we're passing through (or rather, 'piously observing') the Holy Month of Ramadhaan, has made updating this place a kind of rarity for me. I do however promise InshaAllah that I WILL be posting more stuff here soon and also hope to keep the audience (that I feel honored to have) out here, hooked to the place as always.

Please do keep visiting back again and again and again and again and again
and again... (OK, I guess you got the point! :-)). And in the meanwhile please also feel free to browse through the archives that we have created out here over the months.

—Abd elAzeez
[Current Thought: Maybe I should be sharing the password to this place with someone :D ]

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