August 25, 2007

...worth dying for!

Why do we have to die?
Life kills you in the end doesn't it?
Life is about being alive...I wish it would last forever!
...and many such clichéd statements prove to be an indispensable part of our conversations everyday, and we humans keep fooling ourselves into believing that probably some miraculous discovery of science(?) would save us from dying! ...something which our fore-fathers and their fore-fathers and their fore-fathers in turn, pursued just as much, but (as is evident :-) never attained.

Someone asked me what I thought about the whole hullabaloo, and I replied (with analogies as always):
---When you go to sleep at night (into the elusive dreamy-world) do you wish for eternal sleep and never to wake up again to the reality anymore?
---Do you appear for an exam hoping it would last forever without any results?
---Would you ever –on arriving at the start of a bridge– think to yourself, "I want to keep walking on this bridge forever and never ever reach the other side, because this bridge looks so damn pretty to me"?

NO you and I don't say all that! We realize all that goes up has to come down and everything that starts has to end. Then whydo we trick ourselves when it comes to Life?

The truth is, this life's just a test to see if you're fit-enough to 'fit in' to a good place.
Do well in this and you'll be given stuff that's 'worth dying for' the literal sense of that term!

—Abd elAzeez

by TemplatesForYouTFY