May 21, 2007

…and the madness takes over again

Another day for his ailing psyche it is, another wretched sunrise it is
What goes on inside his twisted mind, he cannot explain
He wants to eliminate the sea of insanity that feeds on his brain
He lies weary, on the path he has been walking again and again

His nightmare has come true, and he wakes up screaming in the night
Another love of his is dead, and he’s left alone in the cold hard rain
Crazy thoughts of insanity, like maggots feed on his decaying brain
He tries to fight them, but ends up surrendering to the sickness… again

Stripped to the bone, on the dungeon floor he lies shivering
His wounds hurt, the tears in his eyes wet the blood stain
He struggles against them but the evil thoughts drive him insane
He wants to get back into humanity, yet he just cannot take the pain

In his senses he feels, the depraved world taking over
His mind he sees, wandering in the decadence just like Caine
Corruption, lies, debauchery, sin… the evil tugs at his sleeve again
He tries to resist, but ends up surrendering to the madness… again

Twilight comes around, the sky outside turns crimson
Another nightmare seems true, and he wakes up yet again
He sees the madness take over, and he knows he’s gone insane
He knows not what to do; and has finally given in to the sickening pain.
—Abd elAzeez

by TemplatesForYouTFY